Wednesday, 17 March 2010

So the Moon was a holographic projection, an illusion but now its a spaceship?

David Icke had this to say in 2003

At one stage during the night I saw the Moon appearing above the clouds and the voice said:

"Ah the Moon, the Moon, how the poets wax lyrical about the Moon, the Moon. Illuuusion! The Moon is a holographic projection to give the illusion of the movement from past to future, the passage of "time". That is what it is there for, to capture the mind in the time illusion. Do you think the Infinite needs the Sun to survive? Do you see a Sun in this place you are now? You are the Infinite so why do you need the Sun to sustain you? You are the Infinite and all is the Infinite. Why do you feel heat from the rays of the Sun? Because that is what the Matrix mind and body is programmed and conditioned to feel and so it does. It is all illusion. The Sun and Moon are projected holograms to provide the illusion of night and day the movement of time".

I was told that what we call the universe is a holographic illusion akin to looking up at the "sky" projected on the ceiling of a planetarium. The only difference was that in the "universe" the projections appeared to be in 3D because they were holograms. The "universe" was a figment of our conditioned imagination, the voice said, and it was only part of our reality because we believed it was. The universe was also far smaller than people perceived. "Look at the sky in a planetarium and it seems so vast, yet it only goes as high as the ceiling."

In his new Book our Dave claims the Moon is a spaceship which was flown here and parked in orbit by the Aliens that live inside.

Anyone spot a contradiction here?


  1. Yes it was very predictable that you would come here and leave a stupid comment.

    As you read through Ickes books he often contradicts himself. He says the Moon is a hollowed out planets used as a spaceship by the Aliens inside but he also says in another book its a hologram, one must be wrong if not both.

    We know the Moon creates the tides here on Earth because of gravity I would like to see Icke explain how a hologram would do the same. I know for a fact you can bounce radio signals off the Moon so how would Icke explain that if its a hologram?

    Simple maths, physics and observation shows us the moon is not hollow. When we have had things in orbit around the Moon, how they orbit in the Moon's gravity tells us about the mass of the Moon. We also know the size of the Moon so we can work out the density and see that it is not possible for the Moon to be hollow.

    Of course some woo woo's will ignore evidence which is as plain as the nose on their face and just go along with the idea. However its encouraging to see many Ickeoids are speaking out and saying they think its rubbish.

  2. The excuses are coming from the Ickeoids. Latest one is the voice Icke heard and based a lot of his work on was from a mind control implant chip.

    You have to hand it to the Ickeoids they can make excuses for anything.

  3. I'm confused! I know it really not hollow. But there is a scientific consideration I read that, scientists are now thinking the whole space to be some higher kind of projection (most like a holographic projection)(but not the Holographic Projection as we know....) of the 2D information printed on the outer walls of our Universe.
    The theory was mainly created for Black Holes.
    I have no doubt about what I'm telling . So if one is interested, He/She can check for this on web. But I think "David Icke" has messed up a little with this scientific concept. But Don't you think, the Alien Space Ship Consideration is a great imagination. Really!
